Just a girl who writes about books

Reviews, Book-to-Movie Adaptations, Stacking the Shelves

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday Reads: January 31st

     This Friday night, I'm reading Insurgent by Veronica Roth. This is the 2nd book in the Divergent series. This series is about a young girl named Beatrice Prior who lives in a futuristic Chicago where the people are sorted into factions (see Divergent review). I am currently on page 181 of 525. I am enjoying this book so far. The beginning was a little slow but it is picking up the pace. I am so far enjoying the growth of Tris and Four's relationship and the added character development to book one. I also like the evolving of the plot line that makes you constantly think what is going to happen next. I am hoping to get through at least half of it, but I may not have enough time to read since my brother has a friend sleeping over and they are the loudest boys ever *eye roll*. Well, wish me luck.

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