Just a girl who writes about books

Reviews, Book-to-Movie Adaptations, Stacking the Shelves

Monday, January 20, 2014

Book Review: Divergent

Title: Divergent

Author: Veronica Roth

Genre: Dystopian

Page Count: 487

Publication Date: February 28th, 2012 (first published on April 25th, 2011)

Publisher: Katherine Tegan Books

Awards:  DABWAHA Romance Tournament for Best Young Adult Romance (2012)Goodreads Choice for Favorite Book of 2011 and for Best Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction (2011)


     Divergent by Veronica Roth takes place in futuristic Chicago where teenagers, at the age of sixteen, must choose one of five factions to live in for the rest of their life based on their characteristics and an aptitude test. The five factions include: Abnegation, the selfless, Dauntless, the brave, Candor, the honest, Erudite, the intelligent, and Amity, the peaceful. The main character Beatrice Prior makes a choice that will change her life forever.
     I loved this story! It was filled with action, adventure, and a touch of romance. This book would not let me put it down because it was so fast-paced. The world was very interesting, the plot was enthralling, and the characters were fun and exciting.
     The main character, Beatrice Prior, started out in Abnegation with her family who were all very selfless but felt like she didn't belong and couldn't always put others before herself. She decides to join Dauntless where everyone performs crazy, daring stunts and train to guard the fence that surrounds the city. While in Dauntless, Beatrice decides to rename herself Tris to fully become a new person. Tris finds friends who quickly become like family and help her adapt to her new home. Among these friends are Christina, Will, Al, and Uriah. Christina was quick to befriend Tris. She was kind and comforting but could quickly become a ruthless fighter. Will was also always by Tris' side and supported her when she was feeling down. Al seemed to be strong and protecting but turned out to be a weak coward. Uriah was born in Dauntless so he is very skilled in combat and facing his fears. He is inviting towards Tris when her other friends aren't there for her and is willing to defend her when others attack her. These friends helped Tris to become a daring, determined, strong young woman who refuses to break when others try to put her down. 
     While training to become an official member of the Dauntless, Tris struggles in becoming a devoted member and still thinks back to her selfless ways of the Abnegation. Her instructors, Four and Eric, try to train her to become the best that she can be, but are complete opposites. Four appeared to be strict and menacing but was really vulnerable on the inside. He was amused by Tris in the first stage of training but learned to have faith in her and eventually picked her first for his capture-the-flag team. Eric, on the other hand, is exactly what he appears to be. He was a brutal Dauntless leader who broke down the other initiates and showed no mercy mercy to anyone. 
     The story line flowed very well. I enjoyed how all of the Dauntless initiates had to train physically and mentally to overcome their worst fears. I also liked how the initiates were forced to fight each other in order to become stronger and avoid cowardice. There were many plot twists that took me by surprise and kept me reading to see what happened next. The ending was definitely full of twists and turns that desperately make want to grab the next book in this trilogy.
     All in all, I would whole heartedly recommend this book to anyone and everyone whether they like reading or not.

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