Just a girl who writes about books

Reviews, Book-to-Movie Adaptations, Stacking the Shelves

Friday, January 10, 2014

Book Discussion: Mararthoning Series

    If you have looked at my recently read books you would have noticed that I read many series consecutively. This is because I love to marathon my series. I find marathoning series a lot easier than reading the books far apart from each other. When I try to read books that are a part of a series separate from each other, I tend to forget what the previous book(s) was about. Reading books in the same series is easier, in my opinion, because I have the ability to read the whole story at once and not have to be left in anticipation to find out what happens next in the storyline. This is also why I mostly wait for a series to be completed before I read them. Also, I like being able to read at whatever pace I like and not have to read slow in order to have a lesser waiting time for the next installment. Marathoning books is also more convenient because I get a longer chance to get to know all of the characters and feel for them as they live their life and go through exhilarating adventures. How do you like to read your series?

P.S  I will start to post every Friday so stay tuned! I will also post reviews after I finish books as soon as possible.


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